Sabtu, 04 April 2015

Rules of Speech Contest


Registration :
Send SMS ( Name_ Varsity/SHS_Speech ) to EGI ( 081990049510 )
Download Form

Open Registration : 1 April - 4 Mei 2015

Competition  Day : 10 Mei 2015
at Gedung L Teknik Geofisika, Fak. Teknik , Universitas Lampung

Themes of Speech:

Preliminary Round for Senior High School :

Utilization and Empowerment Energy Resource of Indonesia

Final Round for Junior High School :
Energy Efficiency as a good social in Indonesia

Preliminary Round for Varsity :
Energy as a basic requirement for development in almost all the major sector the Indonesian Economy
Final Round for Varsity:
Understanding and Stabilising the Energy Market in Indonesia

General Rules:
  • 1. These general rules are valid to everyone around the area of GWES2015 speech contest.
  • 2. During the contest you may not smoke in the area of speech contest.
  • 3. Keep your manners, behave properly and keep your voice low, just talk if it’s necessary.
  • 4. You must turn off your cellphone or any other forms of communication tools that may disturb all the adjudicators and the participants before entering the room of speech contest.
  • 5. The committees are not responsible for any kind of personal belongings.
Contest Rules:
  • The speech contest will begin after the opening ceremony.
  • The participant must re-register themselves before going to the contest and give 3 copies of their text in the re-registration for the judges.
  • The participant should have a participant number before going to the contest.
  • The duration of speech is 5-7 minutes.
  • The participant should come on time to the contest. If committees already call for 3 times and the participant don’t come yet, she/he will be put as the last participant and we will minus 5 points.
  • The participant should use the duration as good as possible because it will influence the score.
  • And about time, in the first minute, time keeper will knock once. In the 6thminute time keeper will knock once again, twice when it’s alredy 7 minutes and knock continuously when it’s already 7 minutes 20 second.
  • In the final round, adjudicators will ask 2 questions for each participant.
  • The result is the adjudicators’ prerogative rights.
  • All participants must obey all rules to make the contest run well and the committees will take serious action for every kind of undisciplined activities.

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